Specialty Pasta shop! |
Well, needless to say, Naples is disgustingly dirty! They were on a trash strike when we were there and trash was piled up about 5 feet or so lining the streets! GROSS!
Watching our pizza going into the oven... |
Aside from the nastiness, we still walked around for a little bit and found one slightly charming street. Ok, I'm exaggerating a little, 2 or 3 charming stores and that's it. We found a pasta shop owned by an old Italian couple. They sold specialty pastas, spices and oils. They were so cute and welcoming, so we all felt obligated to buy some. Let me tell you - I'm glad I did because it's delicious! I found some oak leaves multi-flavored pasta (for those who don't know, the Navy Nurse Corps insignia is the oak leave) Dorky, I know. Lauren found a few souvenir stores on the same street and I found my homemade tirimisu I've been waiting for! After that, Amy and I found a pizzeria that we had to get some lunch at. I mean, come on, we were in Naples... the birth place of pizza!!! There was no way I was going to visit Naples and not get pizza! We had a brick oven pizza with olive oil, buffalo mozzarella, basil, arugula, and tomato! OMG, it was one of the best pizzas I've ever had... Amy and I devoured it!

The rest of the day we spent on the ship doing Zumba on the deck (yes, Amy was teaching us Zuma, since she's an instructor out in the Stan), and reading/drinking by the pool. That all equates into a lot of needed best friend girl time!
Good-bye Naples... sailing away at sunset! |
The girls at dinner on the ship. |
Caitlin and Lo enjoying some rays while in the hot tub. |
Amy teaching us Zumba!! |
Caitlin and me relaxing on a couples hammock :) |
Napoli from the ship |